Monday, June 9, 2008

"Me Time"

So once a week, my friend and I trade a day during the week watching each other's chitlins. It is the greatest thing ever. We each get 3 hours, free babysitting, "me time" to do whatever we want! Sometimes I use it for Dr's appts, or sometimes grocery shopping, and any errands that would go faster without a toddler in tow. This time however, I wanted to do something that would really rejuvenate me and focus on me for once. And I had the greatest me time ever!

I first went to the library and checked out some books, Cd's, and a movie.

(Not usually a Michael Moore fan. However, I wanted to check out this movie knowing there is a serious health care crisis and watch it with an open mind.) Some soulllll music

I love the sound of his voice...........
The most adorable book that I read to Ben every night. Ben now understands Daddy is in the desert riding around in a jeep. Who doesn't love this soundtrack?
Decided to catch up on my military spouse reading ~

This book gives a great idea that Ben and I will be doing for Dan ~
I have wanted to read this ever since I became prego with Ben ~
Enough said ~

Then I headed to the brand new gym just built here on base. It was honestly nicer than the gym I was paying a membership at! Rock wall included that will make Dan a very happy camper. :) I did the bike and then walked the treadmill. (Which I have to gush ~ each treadmill had it's own flat screen TV on!) I then went to the indoor pool where I swam some laps....for free! Lap swim is free as opposed to the $1 cost for open swim time with Ben.

After I was done working out and swimming, I headed home for a nice hot shower. Then grabbed a tuna in a whole wheat pita pocket with sprouts.

I can not tell you how wonderful it was to just focus on me completely(except of course getting Ben a few books at library) and having it all be completely free!!!!

My feeling to living on base and meeting such a great person who can relate and understand military deployments..........can best be said in a song......"I think I'm gonna like it here......" Annie the movie.

I highly suggest "me time" to anyone and everyone. It is the best thing a mother, wife, or woman can do for themselves. I know that by rejuvenating myself, I am being a better Mom to Ben. And that is such a good feeling.