Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trading in runnning shoes for house shoes

For now the red running shoes are traded in for pink fuzzy slippers. The closer I get to Zach's due date, the less energy I have. So, as excited as I am to start back up my exercise program when Zach is born. It sure is nice to focus on which house shoes fit the best, and which place should I elevate my pink pedicured toes...........

As far as staying healthy through the pregnancy......I have gained 7 pounds to date. And my blood pressure has stayed steady with 120/80 and below. I am also trying to drink lots and lots of water to prevent the cankles and puffy fingers that I had with Ben's pregnancy. So that also means going easy on salty foods. My current hard thing to resist is soda. Root Beer.....I have really wanted Root Beer....I am trying to resist but it's hard.....


Englishfam said...

I want those slippers!! Anything pink is my friend! Keep up the water drinking, that is one of my hardest things. I don't know why, but it is. 7 pounds, not bad! By this point I would have gained about 25. Good for you!

Coila said...

Oh, I love me some root beer. I like the nail colors, too! :D Yay for a new baby boy: how exciting!