Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 1 completed!

Yah! I lost 4.2 pounds this past week!

And lost the following in inches:
waist - 1.5 inches
neck - .5 inches
hips - 1 inch
L thigh - 2.5 inches
R thigh - 3 inches
L arm - .5 inches
R arm - .5 inches

Total body fat percentage lost was 2.55 %! Dan has been doing this with me. He lost 5 pounds! He has been my rock. We have been able to keep each other motivated. It feels so great to be able to look back at the past week and be so proud of myself. YAH!!!! We are finally becoming that healthy family that I have always wanted us to be, but never knew how to get there.

My goal is to be at my healthy/goal weight by June 2010. But, I just might get there faster at this rate! Put your protein glass in the air and le'ts say CHEERS to health!

After the completion of 12 weeks, I will be posting my before and after picture. Then after the final goal has been completed, I will post a before and "final" after picture!

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