Friday, January 2, 2009


So I have two voices in my head.

First one - don't beat yourself up Leah! So what if you went over your calorie intake today. Tomorrow is a new day. Start fresh!

Second voice - Just go shove as much dove chocolate minis in your mouth that you can and you will feel all better........

Seriously though.....I am totally beating myself up right now. I just added up my food from the the day that I ate. I totally went over my recommended calorie intake. By a in my calorie intake should be 1800 calories a day. I had 2800 calories total today!!! And I didn't make it to the gym. :(

Good news - I didn't touch the chocolate. Instead, I did 1 minute of vigorous jumping jacks. 1 set of 20 crunches, 1 set of 15 modified push ups, 1 set of 20 squats, and 1 set of 15 prone cobra on the addition to a really good stretch of the arms, neck, and legs.

I did make every effort to make it to the gym. I got dressed in my workout clothes, loaded up the boys, decided to run a quick errand first to Target on the way. I walked out of Target to a full on blizzard. The roads got bad really fast. I decided to head home and on the way grab a healthy dinner. I ended up getting a small honey bourbon chicken on whole wheat bread from Quizno's. (Suggested from my EAT THIS, NOT THAT book)

Trying to be positive and not beat myself up over the food log today. But man is it hard when I see the long list of poor food choices I ate. I work best when following a meal plan and sticking to it. Oh yah and skipping the snack in between meals messed me also. I work best with 3 meals a day and 3 snacks. I just need to make the time and prepare my food ahead of time.

Hey at least I got my 64 oz of water in today and a salad!!!

1 comment:

Englishfam said...

Leah you are awesome! It could have been ALOT worse, believe me. Atleast you are aware of what you are eating and are going to do better tomorrow. It's hard to not be an all or nothing type of person when it comes to eating and exercise. I have just learned that if I screw up one meal it doesn't mean my whole day is ruined. I can still make better choices either tomorrow or whenever the next meal is. I am so proud of you for being so good. It's hard!!! Keep going, I guarantee you will see results soon.